How to make Zy Elassal rice with molokhia and chicken
Molokhia rice with Zy Elassal rice, 5% broad grain, produced by Elasem company for milling rice
We’ll talk about how rice and chicken work in this article.
We all come to a time when we are bored of food and want to try new things and be easy at the same time, and today rice like honey brought to all girls the recipe of rice with chicken in a new and different way, the advantage is that it is all done together in one thing and the taste of the chicken and its spices will all come down with rice they will have a different taste and better than the zy Elassal rice that we are used to. zy Elassal rice taste tale

The way chicken is marinade
1 small spoon salt.
1 small spoon garlic powder.
1 1/2 small spoon paprika.
1/2 small spoon pepper.
1/2 small spoon onion powder.
1/2 small hanging shat.
1/2 small hanging oregano.
1 small spoon lemon juice.
A large spoon of olive oil or enough until the mixture remains homogeneous.
- 2 large spoon olive oil.
- A hot dog or sausage, cut into “Quantity as you wish.”
- 4 chicken hips.
- Medium onion, diced.
- Chili pepper, diced.
- 2 celery stalks, diced.
- 1/4 small hanging shat.
- 1 cup rice wide grain “rice like honey”.
- 2 1/4 cup chicken soup or chicken stock.
- Green onion and parsley, chopped for garnish.
Amounts rice with chicken
- The first thing is to mix all the ingredients for the chicken marinade together in a large dish, stir them well together, and season the chicken thighs with them and cover them well with the seasoning.
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees while you are preparing the rest of the ingredients.
- Add a drizzle of olive oil in a saucepan or a deep frying pan that you can put in the oven and put it on a medium heat. Add sausage or hot dogs to it and fry it until it changes color and remains brown, and then put it on a plate.
- Add the chicken thighs to the saucepan, in place of the sausage, and fry them for 2-3 minutes on each side, until their color is golden.
- Take out the chicken with the sausage on the plate. Wipe the pot that you roasted in with a kitchen towel to get rid of anything that came out of the sausage or chicken so that it does not burn in the pot.
- Reduce the heat to a low and add in the same pot the chopped onions, hot peppers and celery, and stir them together for 2-3 minutes until they turn brown.
- Add the chili, salt, and pepper, and mix well with the rest of the ingredients.
- Add rice like honey and soup, stir, and cook over low heat for a minute.
- Add the chicken thighs and the sausage that we roasted over the rice from above, let them boil over the fire together and then cover the pot.
- Bake in the oven for 35 minutes covered at 350 degrees.
- Remove the lid and put it in the oven for 10-15 minutes too, until the rice absorbs all the liquid in it.
- (- If you want the food to be spicy or spicy, use hot pepper or add the amount of chili in the ingredients, and if you want it to be regular, add a regular green pepper.)
- And so the dish remains ready. We garnish it with chopped onions and parsley.
Ingredients for rice with molokhia and chicken
- 2 cups of Egyptian rice
- Half a cup of noodles
- ¼ cup oil or ghee
- 3 and a half cups of water
- 1 tablespoon salt
The way rice works( Zy Elassal rice)
- Zy Elassal rice the wide grain is ready to be used without washing.
- Put the oil or margarine in the pot (suit) over medium heat until heated.
- Then put the noodles and stir well until golden color.
- Place the rice on the noodles, then hang the salt and stir well and leave for 2-3 minutes over medium heat.
- Put 3 cups of water on Zy Elassal rice , and make sure that the water covers the rice completely because the honey costume rice needs a lot of water.
- Cover the pot tightly to ensure the steam does not come out of it.
- Simmer for 5 minutes until the rice drinks water.
- Put on a very low heat or on the smallest flame or (put under the rice sheat suit);
- Taste the rice 20 minutes after the settlement to determine if it’s close to
- Remove the pot cover for 1-2 minutes to ventilate it (to avoid its teeming)
(Molokhia rice) Egyptian Mallow chicken
Medium-sized whole chicken.
A grain of peeled onions. Three grains of cardamom.
Three grains of mesca.
A tablespoon of margarine.
Eight cups of chicken stock.
Half a kilo of finely chopped mallow. 2 tablespoons powdered coriander. 2 tablespoons mashed garlic. Salt to taste. Spoonful of black pepper.

The modus operandi of the molokhia
Put the butter in a large bowl.
We heat it on a medium heat, then add the mastic beans, and cook until it melts.
Then add chicken broth, onions, and cardamom.
We let all the ingredients come to a boil.
Then add the chicken to the broth, and let it boil.
Then lower the temperature for thirty minutes.
Until the chicken is cooked.
Remove the chicken from the broth and cover to keep it hot.
Then filter the stock, and cook it on a low heat.
Add the molokhia on a low heat, for four minutes.
with constant stirring,
And then we take off the fire. Heat the ghee in a small frying pan.
Add garlic, coriander, and cook the ingredients well, until the garlic turns golden,
And then half the molokhia and continue to stir,
Thus, the molokhia is ready with boiled chicken.
Served with Egyptian rice.